You opened the mail
and found again,
like it is always, that your bills are piling up!
Your bank balance came to mind causing you to scratch yourself where there is no itch. Then, you think to yourself, "AM IN DEEP TROUBLE!"
The lack of money is not the real problem.
"As your heart thinketh, so are you!" Heard of this maxim before?
Whether we did or not, it is very true and our ignorance of it may be the cause we are where we are.
Let's talk about money.
How often have you been counting the limited bills and coins in your mind?
Usually, our mind records the insufficient balance when we are thinking of a future time we are expecting the money to come. And as expected, it happened. Then we wondered why?
We operate out of lack not out of our potential! Here lies the great difference. Our faith sees the lack, not the potential.
Faith is seeing in the future. It is calling out in our hearts and minds that which is not as though it were.
This is an activity of God that as created in His image and likeness we ought to use in all of life. Try using it.
What God wants us to do is to stand in the truth that we are rich in Christ Jesus.
We do not act to fill our empty cups because it is God's work.
Look at the birds in the air! They neither sow nor reap nor gather in the barns but the heavenly Father feeds them. How much more you His children; will He not provide?!
We use our power to create wealth to cause our already full cups to overflow and bless others.
See yourself as God has put in your heart great possibilities and accept it as it were.
Start thinking abundance.
It is a gift of God!
The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy; but Christ has come to give life abundantly. - John 10:10
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